Administrative and Tax Law

Local Tax Advisory:
We advise our clients on local tax matters, particularly corporate tax, income tax, value added tax, stamp duty, property tax, customs duties, municipal taxes, transfer pricing, banking and insurance transactions tax and resource utilization support fund.

International Tax Configuration:
We provide consultancy within the scope of both local and international legislation on the implementation of optimum tax structuring for multinational companies that have problems with tax issues both locally and in other countries where they operate.

International Company Configurations:
As Bafa Law Law, we work with our clients on multinational holding configurations and provide consultancy on the creation of the most optimal holding configuration both in tax and legal terms, and we are working on the creation of the structure.

Tax Litigation and Dispute Resolutions:
We provide consultancy services to our clients in tax disputes on all kinds of local tax issues and follow the litigation processes.

Mergers and Acquisitions:
Services for analysis of tax position in case of purchase or sale (due diligence), consultancy services regarding the tax structuring of the company (merger, acquisition, division etc.) We provide tax optimization services by analyzing the taxes that will arise in the process.
